Our Work
Our work includes direct action, training, strategic and legal support, and writing and scholarship on climate justice work and solidarity. Members of our core team, fellows, and partners pursue unique work in addition to our collective work and initiatives. To see what individuals at CDC are up to, visit the Who We Are Page. To read more about our initiatives, follow the links below.
Action Support. We offer support, consultation, and advice processing to folks across the region who are planning and engaging in Nonviolent Direct Action.
Defendant Support. Our model of defendant support is grounded in our belief that an action is not over until everyone is free of the criminal legal system.
Community-led Demand Response. This project focuses on the collective power of community members to significantly impact the reliability of our electricity grid.
Trainings and Resources. The Climate Disobedience Center offers frequent trainings to our partner orgs, as well as to ad-hoc community groups.
Organizational Support. We offer support and partnership to organizations building infrastructure and supporting organizational learning and strategy.
No Coal No Gas Campaign. We support and staff this direct action campaign in partnership with 350NH and New England communities.