Our Principles
The following are the guiding principles of the Climate Disobedience Center.
We aim to…
- Use creative, nonviolent conflict at the point of injury that invokes moral clarity and unmasks the violence of the status quo.
- Create a community of climate dissidents who are engaged as whole people, bonded by love and trust, who have each other’s backs in this risky work, and who recognize relationships will sustain us now and as the crisis deepens.
- Nurture our own continuing development of body, mind and spirit in order to live fully in a time of climate crisis.
- Tell the full truth about ourselves and our world to the best of our understanding.
- Engage everyone, even our enemies and opponents, with openness, curiosity and humor.
- Resist the historical oppressions of racism, patriarchy, classism, parochialism and nationalism with humility, vulnerability and courage.
- Honor the inherent worth and dignity of every person by replacing the dehumanizing systems of our world with relationships of mutuality and respect.
- Act for people, other species, wild places and the very web of life itself.
- Grapple with the true questions of fairness, risk and equity confronting our society, with a focus on moral imagination rather than policy and political feasibility.