Leif is an organizer, de-escalation/NVDA trainer, and rock climbing instructor. They began causing mischief as an elementary schooler in Philadelphia, and later joined local fossil fuel resistance struggles. They’ve been active in the fight for trans bathroom access, and serve as a mentor to trans youth. As a student Environmental Justice major, they were a core organizer in the Divest Middlebury campaign and other student movements, and spent 4 months in Mexico studying Zapatismo and indigenous anti-capitalist resistance. Leif first got involved in No Coal No Gas in 2019, and has served as a campaign coordinator, internal organizer, and action planner. Over the past few years, they’ve been active in the Line 3 struggle as well as several consent-based community defense projects. SAY MORE ABOUT COMMUNITY DEFENSE WORK AND TRAINING WORK?
Leif currently lives in Burlington VT with their partner, guinea pigs, gecko, and many plants. When they aren’t scheming with the No Coal No Gas campaign, they can be found rock climbing, gardening, and participating in local mutual aid, eviction resistance, police abolition, and anti-fascist work. They remain committed to direct action, bottom-up autonomy building, and the power of transformative movements.
Contact Leif at leif@climatedisobedience.org