Actions (21) Courts (including trials) (25) Disobedience (21) Mental Health (1) No Coal No Gas campaign (5) Organization (22) Resilience & Resistance (23) Solidarity (15) Transformation (5) Uncategorized (2) Year-In-Review (3)
Here we are again, standing around in an otherwise-empty parking lot at 3:30am. No lights but the glow of a far-off gas station sign and 10,000 signal notifications lighting up our phones. I can’t remember how many times I’ve been here in this weird waiting room of the revolution. Everyone here has circles under their
Reflecting on the past year of work has given us a moment to celebrate our collective community, learn from the work of the many activists and organizers we are connected to, and ground ourselves with intentionality for the hard work ahead. Collective Updates First, some updates about our collective! This year, fellow Nastasia Lawton-Sticklor officially
This post was originally sent to our community via email. If you aren’t already connected to us via email and would like to be, please join our newsletter here. “You didn’t see me on television, you didn’t see news stories about me. The kind of role that I tried to play was to pick up
Hey, is this real? A link was posted into the chat. Then another. Finally, from Granite Shore Power itself: “Last coal plants in New England to voluntarily close, transitioning to renewable energy parks”. We had played out this scenario many times already. We held a retirement party (with cake), we brought our own artistic solar
If you follow our work, you know that we aren’t the best at posting updates. We’ve made a new commitment to updating you more often, and today I realized that we hadn’t posted the relevant content from our end-of-year email blast for 2023 to the blog. I’m sure that’s my oversight! I have a personal
Obedience exists in relation to power, authority, tradition, or social norms. Nearly every moment of every day, each of us decides when to comply with the status quo and when the price of obedience is too great. From grand actions to the smallest choices, the decision to disobey means choosing not to abide by the…
This post was adapted from an email sent by Nastasia Lawton-Sticklor, Marla Marcum, and Siobhan Senier to our community. Monday was Transgender Day of Remembrance, a day set aside for remembering and honoring our trans friends, families and community members who were killed over the past year. In the midst of our grief over loss
A note for context This love letter from Nastasia Lawton-Sticklor to all of us marks the beginning of her Climate Disobedience Center fellowship year. We are overjoyed to welcome her to this part of our team! – Marla and Leif In his book Freedom Dreams; The Black radical imagination, Robin DG Kelley quotes his daughter Elleza
As you may know, the No Coal No Gas Campaign was first launched by the Climate Disobedience Center core team in 2019, alongside our friends at 350NH. Since then, it’s grown to include over 1,600 people in the New England region, as well as several wonderful supporters across the continent. We have many incredible core