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“You didn’t see me on television, you didn’t see news stories about me. The kind of role that I tried to play was to pick up pieces or put together pieces out of which I hoped organization might come.” -Ella Baker
If you’re getting this email, chances are pretty good that you know Marla Marcum. Not because you saw her on TV or because she was trending on social media. You might know her because she trained you to stand up for your rights and speak truth to power. Or maybe because she mediated a conflict or supported you in a time of despair. Or maybe she bailed you out of jail, found you a lawyer and walked you through the legal process after a civil disobedience action.
There’s a million different ways you might have run into Marla, because there are a million different ways she has steadfastly served movements for justice for decades. Working mostly behind the scenes, Marla has been a backbone of the climate justice movement in the way that folks like Ella Baker were for the civil rights movement. And while Marla rarely puts herself in the spotlight or in a role that gets celebrated outside of movement spaces, after decades of consistent, courageous and compassionate work she has won the respect, appreciation and friendship of countless activists like me around the country.
There’s something else that happens to a person like Marla after decades of work: she turns 50! And since today happens to be her 50th birthday, it’s the perfect opportunity for us to share our appreciation of her and celebrate her incredibly important role not just in the Climate Disobedience Center, but in the wider movement.
Today I’m thinking about the times I saw Marla boldly stand up to cops to defend activists who put themselves in a vulnerable position, as well as the times when she comforted me with the perfect combination of loving care and cynical humor when that was exactly what I needed. And I’m sharing those stories with folks who might not have met Marla or heard about her amazing contributions to the world.
My request is that you honor Marla’s 50th birthday today by sharing some of your stories about her with folks who don’t know about all the great work she has done. Maybe share stories with some young people who haven’t gotten involved yet or with folks who have only heard of the activists that the media talks about. Help someone new learn about one of the most important climate justice activists of our time. Hopefully some of them will be inspired to step up and do the essential movement work that folks like Marla too often shoulder on their own. Because as Marla reminds us with her words and her presence, we are never alone in the movement.
In solidarity and celebration,
Tim DeChristopher
P.S. Nastasia and Leif wanted to add this photo and a note

Today is a wonderful day to celebrate our dear friend Marla Marcum’s 50th birthday! Last year, Marla celebrated her 49th trip around the sun by leading a large cohort in preparation for a healing action at Merrimack Generating Station, our last before the plant announced its shut-down date in the spring. Since then, she has continued her work of guiding, supporting, disrupting, and leading with fierce love. In honor of Marla’s milestone birthday and all of the justice work she makes possible, we ask you to celebrate by supporting the work of the Climate Disobedience Center. You can make a one-time or monthly contribution – if you are so moved – on our brand new website (more about that soon!) The gifts from our communities make all of our work possible.
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