Statement on Pipeline Executive Orders



As the climate crisis grows ever more urgent, Trump signed two executive orders today that expedite oil and gas pipelines and undermine states’ rights to protect themselves from the assault of the fossil fuel industry. This was yet another reminder that our government is run by a nihilistic sociopath who serves the whims of an industry that has killed people for profit throughout its history. This latest rush toward apocalypse will undoubtedly be met with complicity from the Republican politicians who have spent years pretending to care about states’ rights, and with ineffectual faux-outrage from Democratic politicians who have rarely ever used the powers available to them to stop fossil fuel expansion.

Thankfully there is a growing movement of people willing to engage in civil disobedience to stop fossil fuel infrastructure everywhere in this country. The Climate Disobedience Center is proud to be part of that movement which has effectively made all new pipelines losing investments, and we will continue fighting every one of these stupid projects until we have the organized power to overthrow our system of corporate rule and establish a democracy that respects life.

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